*ClassTbl* *ClassEntry* *PTABLE* *WINDOWSEG* Viewer *ICONRESTAB* *ICONRESSEG* *ICONRES* Background *OBJTABLE* *IDTABLE* *NAMETAB* Rectangle Ellipse RoundedRectangle Polygon IrregularPolygon AngledLine Curve Field RecordField ComboBox Button PaintObject Picture Hotword *RHOTWORD* Group Stage *TbxBase* description only intro description and example description and script Auto-scroll field Converting to Binary, Hex, Octal Navigation Check for State Abbreviation Binary Insertion of Textline scriptChooserDialog scriptChooserDialog .'+ + scriptObjects enterpage cancel keychar scriptObjects cancel selectedtextlines "scriptObjects" keyEnter editscript close origPage original scriptChooserDialog label &View the Selected Script: bottomLine topLine scriptObjects editScript buttondoubleclick editScript selectedTextLines -- the full {reference hiding -- each 9,t)+1 U(t) buttonclick buttonclick View Script cancel buttonclick buttonclick Cancel topicName description and script Untitled enterpage pageName templateButtons label skipdialog topicName chosen subtopicname cancel keychar cancel -- initialize dialog box "Untitled" "topicName" B"description buttonclick -- sent user presses OK pageName chosen "templateButtons" -- the specified s"skipdialog" label "subtopicname" close -- handles OK escape keyEnter origPage original label in,false ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine Topic name: bottomLine topLine topicName Untitled templateButtons chosen templates buttonclick buttonclick -- store selected a property chosen "templates" Description and Script chosen Description and Script Description and &Script Description Only Description &Only Description and Example Description and &Example Choose Template templates Description and script This is a description. Blah, blah, blah. Boy could I use another cup of Joe. Nothing is worse than work coffee. to handle buttonup do this do that description only description and script This is a description. Blah, blah, blah. Boy could I use another cup of Joe. Nothing is worse than work coffee. I've had so many cups of it already that I can see through time. Maybe some decaf is in orderrican butt. Description and example This is a description. Blah, blah, blah. Boy could I use another cup of Joe. Nothing is worse than work coffee. I've had so many cups of it already that I can see through time. Maybe some decaf is in order to handle buttonup do this do that buttonclick buttonclick cancel buttonclick buttonclick Cancel wwwwwwwwwwpx wwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwpp wwwwwwwwww .'+ + categories categoryStruct enterPage ,&H.& extractName frefText extractID categories stwoDQuickSort categoryStruct updateCategories categories the " ZmainStruct[][] categoryStruct fref arraySize dimensions( ni][1] i][2] selectedTextlines -- recreates structure updateCategories frefText i][1] extractName(t) i][2] extractID(t) twoDQuickSort origPage original label bottomLine topLine Categories Category A 128 Category B 151 Category C 160 Drag and Drop op Drop ,141 Drag and Drop 1557,156,141 Drag and Drop 155 Drop 155141 Drag and Drop 1556,141 Drag and Drop 155 and Drop 155 Drag and Drop 155rag and Drop 155and Drop 155op 155Drag and Drop 155 Drag and Drop 155 Manipulation 132,131,130,129 Useful Functions 132,129,115 Widgets 141,140,139,140,139 Untitled bel ts 15 Useful Objects Useful Objects 95,96 Date functions cancel categories Untitled Enter new category buttonclick -- prompts qcategory buttonclick ("Enter f"Untitled" "categories" &New... ,&H.& cancel extractName frefText You already have another topic with this name. false categories Enter new name for this category. found buttonclick -- allows user rename a category buttonclick fref "categories" frefText selectedTextLines tabLoc ("Enter tabloc-1 found -- asure xalready used. i <> extractName( "You rhave another -- update &Rename... w, #> Cancel extractName Delete category categories buttonclick a category buttonclick fref "categories" selectedTextlines "Delete n" && & extractName(t) & & "?" f"OK" "Cancel" &Delete updateCategories buttonclick buttonclick updateCategories close buttonclick -- closes dialog box buttonclick &Cancel Modify the selected category. origPage original label bottomLine topLine categories Conversion help Useful Functions Widgets Drag and DropValidation Date functions Debugging DOS Utilities File Maintenance Navigation Sorting and Searching String Manipulation Useful Functions Widgets Drag and Dropul Objectsns Useful Objects prompt Choose categories for topic ""s into bins"rive"" compileCategories buttonclick buttonclick compileCategories close buttonclick -- dismiss dialog box buttonclick close &Cancel ck(WORD) to get getWinPointe origPage original label 950123130433102955872494146 Navigation rightBounds sizeStuff splitter sizePage sizePage xpix sysPageUnitsPerPixel rightBounds B"splitter" "sizeStuff" -- keep focuswindow origPage original Navigation label Choose a category: Topics of this category::: sizeStuff categories elpsFunctions Category A Category B Category Ceful Functions Widgetsand Drop Useful Functions Widgetsbugging DOS Utilities Drag and Drop File Maintenance Navigation Sorting and Searching String Manipulation Useful Functions Widgetsul Objectsns Useful Objects navButtons .'+ + extractID topics tcount buttonclick buttonclick fref asure isn't empty tcount selectedTextLines beginning -- -- navigate extractID( , so focuswindow reverts previous .'+ + extractID topics buttonclick -- navigates buttonclick fref asure there selectedTextLines going -- -- extractID( y, so focusWindow reverts search ,&H.& cancel bckgrnds description and script,description and example,description only searchPhrase No instances of categories found. topics Enter key word to search for. explanation backRef Tvpopulate buttonclick buttonclick Zfoundlist ("Enter key searchPhrase ZallTopics bckgrnds "description example, only" backRef pref "explanation" ) = 0 "No instances " && populate combobox "categories" " 145 Explanation and example format 160 Explanation and text illustration format 151 Verbose format 128 Labels 156 Matching quiz 157 Mouse browsing 158 Slider 159 Timer 160 categoryButtons CategorySetup categoryPicker buttonclick buttonclick "categoryPicker" %modal Topic Categories CategoryMaintenance categoryMaintenance buttonclick buttonclick "categoryMaintenance" %modal Category Maintenance newTopic buttonup newTopic %modal New topic w, #> .', " Cancel categories Cannot delete the last page of this background. label Delete topic buttonclick buttonclick "Delete M" && & label & "?" f"OK" "Cancel" "Cannot delete the selectchange combobox "categories" Delete topic splitter description only subtopicname in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine explanation Converting to Binary, Hex, Octal origPage original Verbose format label Verbose format Long descriptions go here description and example SubtopicName in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine explanation .', " scrolling rectangle explanation enterpage notifyBefore fref "explanation" txtOver 8= 0 Example: in,sculpted ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine obref dlgPage -nameRef scriptObjects scriptChooserDialog currentobject buttonclick obtype obname nameRef -- Displays scripted }on the allowing users their scrips buttonclick Zretval reference appear dlgPage "scriptChooserDialog" list getObjectList( currentobject nameRef(currentObject) & ) = 1 obref "scriptObjects" %modal -- display "friendly obtype obname 9& obj View Scripts author reader author rectangle enterpage notifybefore author reader author dotted enterpage notifybefore buttonclick buttonclick Copy objects author reader enterpage Explanation and example format label Explanation and example format Explanatory remarks belong in this field.eeee Notes about the example go here.ze button starts the timer running when the page is entered. When time is up, the timer sends the endTime message, which in this example is handled by the Initialize button. Example itself goes here description and script tline SubtopicName in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine script false keydown .', " script scrolling rectangle enterpage key,isShift,isCtrl caretLocation notifyBefore fref txtOver 8= 0 Script: script buttonclick -- puts the contents lipboard buttonclick fref Copy Script in,ms ThreeDeeRect bottomLine topLine explanation .', " scrolling rectangle explanation enterpage notifyBefore fref "explanation" txtOver 8= 0 enterpage Explanation and text illustration format label Explanation and text illustration format Put the script below in an object that you want to drag with the mouse. Note: if you want to drag a group, change the references from arget text illustration goes here intro SubtopicName 950123130433102958791294146 origPage 10,14 selectChars original label Introduction This book is an empty template for filling with reference information. To go to a given topic, click a topic in the list. To view topics related to a given category, choose the desired category. Use the search button to search for a topic by key word. Use the splitter bar to resize the navigation panel to the left. Note: you can add new topics to this book by pressing F3 (to enter author mode) and using the topic buttons that appear at the lower left.tons that appear at the lower left. String Manipulation Useful Functions Widgets 40,139 Claude Ostyn info_LastSavedBy 1/23/95 1:06:33 PM Page id 143 D array" navigationBar Page id 1 categoryPicker Page id 3 categoryMaintenance Page id 8 Category Maintenance newTopic Page id 121 New Topic scriptChooserDialog T Tips Topic Categories Scripts examples in library.tbk. Scripts examples in library.tbk. Page MS Sans Serif info_LastSaved Mammals House Pets Smell Bad categories 4,5,0 4,5,0 4,6,7,0 4,5,0 Farm Animals Household Pets Stinky Animals categoryStruct topicsPerCategory Data Valadation 10,9,4,5,6,0,7 13,12,11 DOS Utilities File Maintenance 16,15,14 Functions Menus Navigation Programming Aids Resources Sorting and Searching Useful Objects Courier New g"g#%~k V-g"[ Data Valadation 76,75,80,74,71,28,73,72 78,79,103,77 DOS Utilities 84,85,81,83,86 File Maintenance 100,82,99 Functions 108,88,87 Menus Navigation Programming Aids 98,106,97 Resources 92,94,93 Sorting and Searching 82,107,109 Useful Objects 95,96 MS Sans Serif '&%~k Arial 6O*K~k Courier New 6O*K~k urier New SubtopicName script SubtopicName script Menus Navigation Sorting and Searching 130,82,109 String Manipulation 132,131,130,129 Useful Functions 132,129,115 Widgets 141,140,139,138 Useful Objects 95,96 MS Sans Serif System Sans Serif Sans Serif Arial r]g"= r]g"= Conversion help Useful Functions Widgets Drag and Drop ata Validation Date functions Debugging DOS Utilities File Maintenance Navigation Sorting and Searching String Manipulation Useful Functions 158,151 Widgets 160,159,157,156,141 Drag and Drop r]g"= Category A Category B Category C Date functions Debugging DOS Utilities File Maintenance Navigation Sorting and Searching String Manipulation Useful Functions Widgets 40,139 Claude Ostyn info_LastSavedBy 1/23/95 1:06:33 PM /95 1:06:15 PM Useful Functions Widgets 160,159 Drag and Drop Widgets 160,159,157,156,141 Drag and Drop Debugging DOS Utilities File Maintenance Navigation Sorting and Searching String Manipulation Useful Functions 158,151 Widgets 159,157,156,141 Drag and Drop Standard ToolBook messages enterApplication -- link needed dll's linkDLL "tb40win. displayBitsPerPixel() -- these gdi calls are used drawing separator getDeviceCaps( moveTo( lineTo( setROP2( gcreatePen( deleteObject( gselectObject( Xuser ggetDC( releaseDC( e"Using &Template" alias "helpTemplate" fhelptext\ "Displays 4 on template." backcolor (a " " handler, below) depending on -- the colors displayed. numColors() > 16 darkerBlue() lighterBlue() "navigationBar" -- initialize combobox "categories" " l x, l, ((l+r) (l+1) test i][n] < l][n] i][n] < l][n] i][n] < l][n] stbk_noswap , l, -1,n, , lst+1,r,n, a, b farray[a][i] b][i] b][i] mydir = sen = sysErrorNumber se = ss = bref = u&"tmplhelp.tbk") 1= ss "Cannot 8TMPLHELP.TBK" vref = defaultpage "cbt4" r= se -- change cursor resize entering default leaving handler resizes the splitter dragged ZstartPos X"user" getsystemmetrics( ( has swapped mouse buttons. >23) >0 leftMouseButton width navigation minwidth maxwidth leftWindow rightWindow leftWindowWidth clientSize wholeWindowWidth clientsize leftMost minWidth rightMost j(maxWidth, splitterBounds DC's ;windows, since we'll be drawing -- on hDCLeft getDC(clientHandle hDCright a pen hPen createPen(0,2,0) ! on ;DC's, storing old selected hOldObjectleft selectObject( hOldObjectMain modes oldROP2right setROP2( oldROP2left windowRef curDC oldP mousePosition oldp <> -- erase drawLine ,endPos we need switch DC's, release them deleteObject( releaseDC( hDCleft RightBorder currentpage leftwindow syspageUnitsPerPixel sizePage -- draws a specified DC endpos fromPoint PageUnitsToClient( toPoint moveTo( lineTo( -- adds the navigation -- called on whenever 1combobox value -- Note: each will be like such: --